In my first day as a noob in the virtual Second Life, I explored the most popular hangout for newbies or noobs like c'est moi: Miramare. It's like a little New York where exquisite shops occupy every corner of the sim:

My favourite hang out would be that Gothic bench under a big oak tree, reminiscent of NYC's Central Park. There is a tram giving away free rides, cutting through the heart of Miramare to the far ends of the sim and back. There is also a hang out for a British band which is one of the new touch-ground mediums music artists are experimenting nowadays. But for me, the most remarkable landmark in the sim would be Caroline's Jewelry boutique.

One of the best places to go to if you wish to doll up (enhance) your avatar. What good would great looking virtual clothes be without that occasional "bling", don't you agree? I would recommend you teleport to the 6th floor and get the Emerald Tiered Diamond necklace. It has a "twinkle" (not a blinding strobe light like some blings you get just anywhere) which can be activated by a switch (just type /22 on to activate or /22 off to deactivate).
Sadly, there isn't that much quality jewelry for men in Second Life but I find that these babies can be just the perfect unisex article. Like they say, Second Life's economy is empowered by women, so I guess that simplifies everything. I actually do have one for myself and the subtle sparkle would compliment whatever outfit you wear.
I love this necklace so much that I have purchased four (4) so far, with the three (3) given away as gifts to close mates of mine in SL. Think of trying to give away a real diamond necklace in real life (LOL), you would probably be seen as one gallant and generous papi hahaha.
Apart from the necklace. you can find more fabulous pieces of jewelry inside Caroline's shop. For those who like freebies, there's a FREE gift pack on the ground floor (it's just by the main entrance, go find it out for yourselves). Shopping at Caroline's Jewelry is so user friendly, so easy and very convenient.

Caroline's Jewelry (Lo Lo)
The main shop offers a wider range of jewelry including a superb collection of apparel as well as shoes, hand bags (the most interesting bag here is the the animated version of a Burberry hand bag that drops a variety of random objects, really hilarious I may say hahaha), accessories, modern and retro outfits and so much more! It is a one-stop shop for all your fashion needs.
Her jewelry are simply perfect to give away as pressies since most are transferable (no copy/no modify/ free transfer). Gifting virtual jewelry somehow breeds the same feeling as giving away the real thing, like they say it's really the thought that counts. To add more, the quality which supplements that extra umph-factor to your gift makes Caroline Apollo's collection the ideal boutique of choice.
Virtual RnR
Sim Lo Lo is also a perfect hideaway for those who just want some "me-time". It is one of the most neatly managed simulators in SL. What is so striking about Lo Lo is its idyllic lake, which is why I have made it one of my favourite virtual hangouts.
Visit Lo Lo and see it all for yourself, you would be happy you did! Item's can be rezzed on site though out of courtesy to the owner, do clean up prim-litter when you leave.
Striking Gold!
Just like what I have said in this blog's title: The best things in life are FREE, so why not take advantage of the L$1.00 giveaway at the lobby? For just a quid, you get a whole set of "rocks" and mind you it is worth every linden.
BUT hey, I am willing to give away readers of this blog a chance to get that for FREE (well technically it would cost me a linden dollar but what the heck). Just IM me and I would be glad to take you there. This offer is limited to the first 100 readers so grab the opportunity while you still can! A hundred AVs may not be easy to sort out hahaha. This offer expires on June 30th, 2008, but you can always get it for a dollar as long as it is still on offer. oooopssssie daisy!
Caroline Apollo frequents Lo Lo herself as she constantly updates items being offered at her shops. I find her collection to be innovative and exquisite and I see her as the Versace in SL jewelry designing. Apart from that all, she's one of the nicest and modest people you would meet (so far, so good! hahaha), I'm glad I am one who has been given that privilage... she's so cool and she rocks mate!
More of Lo Lo (and Miramare) soon, so keep looking up!