The start of this year has led me to a magnificent new discovery. The appetite to exploring more while moving away from the usual stuff, hollered the need for change. Deviating from the normal and monotonous lifestyle I've ever been so comfortable living with.
Apart from making this my first ever blog (Friendster, Multiply, MySpace for me were just perfect for posting and sharing pics), I have decided to give this so called Second Life (SL) a go. I have been reading about it in various newsprints for a couple of years now (on topics about virtual banks, linden dollars, the virtual economy etc) thinking it was just something more of a child's play.
But what can be so fascinating about avatars frolicking in a virtual world when I have my Playstation and PC-strategy games to keep me company in my past time? I never really thought it was something to be serious about... until I got in.
An episode of CSI: New York changed all that. Showing me how cool this virtual world could actually be (dangerous as depicted in that episode), the curious moggie inside had convinced me that I should give it a try =^.^= mew. Besides, it's been quite a while since the last time I went along with something so trendy and popular.

Live Out Your Fantasies!
Second Life (SL) is like being born again (yep hallelujah), an opportunity to live out your fantasies (or life's frustrations) that some of us may be having in real life (which some SL residents refer to as RL). For others it can actually be the perfect diversion to run away from life's imperfections.
One of the many amazing things you can do in SL that gives it the cool-factor is the ability to fly and teleport, the stuff that dreams are made of. You can re-create a totally new you or in the case of others such as myself, mirror an amalgamated representation of who you are in RL. Some chose to turn themselves into fairies, divas, demi-gods, the typical girl-next-door, and even the hottie everyone would be talking about. Probably the best part would be your ability to be all of the above mentioned with just a click of the mouse (you can make that "clicks" since it also depends on how many layers of outfits and attachments you wish to wear with your avatar).
If you always felt that you should have been born a woman instead of a man (or vice versa) without having to go through an "op", now is your chance! /me winks
Some in-worlders would also tell you about finding their soul mate in Second Life, others believe meeting the best friend they always wished they had. It is true when people claim they have built strong RL relationships from SL. I have witnessed a lot in my first few days as a resident, though I still have to find mine: "Hello? Anybody out there?"
... or should I say: "Hi I'm Chuckie and I'm your friend 'till the end." hahahaha
A Parallel World or an Alternate Universe?
I do find that a lot of things in SL are somewhat parallel to our RL. Some actually practice their profession in this virtual SL as a lot of structures have actually been designed by real life architects (magnificent structures drafted to scale). There are Real Estate brokers who use SL to hone their selling and convincing skills as I have witness quite a few.
Money is actually involve in the form of Linden Dollars (L$) which by the way can be bought or converted back to real US$. You can't go shopping around without it, though a lot of things can be acquired for free. In fact there are a lot of residents who are very much willing to help you get started on the right foot, which helps settle you down quickly in Second Life. I have met a few in my first few days in-world, smashingly-amazing people I may say!

Some residents are good business people while others (like me) are just the typical buying consumer. Looking for new things to add in my virtual wardrobe (pictured).
As of this posting, I am about just 3 weeks old. Been through a lot in trying to upgrade my virtual-self from being that noob (an in-world slang for newbie or a new comer) Haraguy to a customised designer bloke, and I never had to endure all that pain for having to go under the knife! woot! I felt there was a need to quickly upgrade myself since having to see a lot of newbies using the same default avatar (AV) was giving me that queasy feeling.
The first object I got was a hugtool which some friendly residents gave away freely... and eventually giving me my first ever virtual hug.. wehey! and that felt kinda great for a virtual thing... surreal... You can hug someone else with it as well, but would you really dare? hehehe
I've made myself quite busy inworld lately...
... from having done a lot of shopping in trying to improve my appearance to my pixel-heart's content (being a shopaholic is quite unusual for a guy don't you think LOL)...
... to having gotten my first shot at renting a condo for L$1500pm (thanks to a very friendly bloke named Ashton)...
... to gain enough friends to share your POVs with and rid yourself of loneliness in-world... (even in a virtual world, being alone sucks! No AV should be an island)
... to experience my first virtual clubbing thanks to the hottest and kindest über babe of Miramare (you really have to meet her, she's so so cool! PROMISE!)... and so much more! Everything in Second Life has so far been a fairly great experience for me. I'm still struck in awe!
SL my new obsession?
I have never felt this excited and so indulged since my eBay addiction (so far 350 positive feedbacks and counting ha ha ha, reach for the stars!), and I am confident that living a dual-life would be enjoyable for as long as Second Life would be around!
Too many experiences and adventures to share with you, which I do wish to save for later. For now I will continue exploring and hopefully find myself in-word... and I shall keep you all posted along the way.