First Time Around...Searching for a proper SL home would be the next big step for N71 Aeon. Being a squatter for a week in Lo Lo may seem as if I was taking advantage of Caroline's hospitality hehehe.
I am certain that searching for the right property may be quite a challenge for a new comer like myself to Second Life. Still caught in between renting or leasing out a condominium/apartment unit to buying a parcel of land. Though all that tier, prim-limit talk and land ownership policies were something still foreign to me, settling down in Second Life would not be as easy as I thought it would be. /me frowns
Hunting High and Low
So finally I have decided that I would go for renting a condo instead, sort of testing the waters before finally jumping into the lake. Taking the advice of Keeley Huet on the importance of using the search button (works exactly like Google and Yahoo in-world) presented heaps of fabulous properties, most of which were too costly for an SL newcomer.
Noticing that the word "prims" (short for primitives) on every rent-box was a totally new language. I thought it meant something more like the property's floor area. Being in a gung-ho moment, alien terminology didn't deter me to keep on searching for the right abode.
Discovery By Accident
With a stroke of luck just when I was about to give up, a bloke publicly announced renting his condo units for L$500 pcm. It was not too bad at all since the ones I have looked up earlier were ranging from L$800 to 1,000 (not really sure if I am ready for that yet hahaha). Strangely enough as he discussed the details of our tenancy agreement, the word "prims" came out in our conversation. Not wanting to look like an idiot for asking what he meant by a 25-prim limit, I pretended to understand everything. Unlike earlier when the word didn't seem to bother me at all, I now felt the need to be concerned. lololol
The condo unit was not the type I was expecting, having London's Canary Wharf in mind. It had a lot of odd architectural features which were not logically feasible to have in real life. But who am I kidding here, this is after all a virtual Second Life right?
Nevertheless, my desperation to settle down and to have a place I can really call my home, was more important than some minor architectural faux pas. I just thought that with the interiors done properly, things might end up the way I want them to be.
Hopping from one furniture shop to another, interior decorating has never been this fun since AutoCAD. The Architectural industry does have a potential to grow in Second Life.
Enhancing Dull Features
Adding a bit of bibidi-babidi-boo to blank space is the fun part. Doing interiors has never been this easy: just drag, drop and reposition the objects. Reminds me of the old days when doing interiors was so tedious, having to deal with coordinates, dimensions and measurements.
Having more than adequate lindens at hand, thanks to eBay (it would seem Linden Labs limits linden purchases to new members?), the time has arrive to do some serious furniture shopping! (thanks Laci Snowdrop for the landmarks, you have been so helpful).
The Finishing Touches
Since the condo already had sofas for the living room and an "animated" bed (I honestly had no idea at first what an animated bed really means hahaha) for the bedroom, all I had to do was add dividers, side tables, dressers, plants and some table top decorations.
I was a bit disappointed with the flooring (i love black marble especially the glazed Italian types, but not the ones the condo had) and the ceiling (unpainted and raw ply boards?), which looked so bare and unfinished. Though making the condo look as homely as it can possibly be (to real life) was my main concern; the flooring and ceiling would have to wait.
Among all the furniture and ornamental shops I have visited, MAKEA ended up to be my first choice. Their products were elegant and they remind me of an IKEA store. Don't be surprised if I tell you that I bought the whole range, from lighting, fixtures and furniture. Now that I think about the similarity between the two stores, MAKEA might actually mean Mike's IKEA which would explain a lot.

Learning From Trial and Error!
Ever heard of the saying: "... if it sounds too good to be true.. then it must be too good to be TRUE..." Yep, don't you ever forget that!
I had a feeling that there was something more to the low cost rent-package and all that desperate marketing strategy. And true enough, there was a limit on the number of prims (God I hate that word!) I could add to the property. In fairness to the landlord, I have been told that the limit was 25 prims. If only I were not too proud enough to ask what he meant by that in the first place; I would not have to endure all the pain and disappointed on having to remove most of my furniture!
According to Ashton (the landlord), I have exceeded my prim limit to about 200, that is exactly 800%! Talk about being a prim-hogger hahaha
Thankfully enough, because according to him I was a nice chap (add naive to that word lol), he was willing to compromise by removing some of the standard furniture to free up a few prims (now I fully understand this prim-of-a-headache... finally). But surely MAKEA was now out of the question; each sofa average 12-13 prims which would not leave me much to spare. Now with some added prim allowance, I would have to work around 49 prims... which obviously is still not enough.
Next Step... Low Prim Furniture!
Looking for low-prim furniture is like finding a needle in a haystack. My best friend: the SEARCH BUTTON took me to a store that do have items of good quality. Not necessarily close to IKEA standards BUT good enough: Primsavers, I guess the name says it all.

After tasting the sweetness of having more prims to spare for furniture I really like, gut feeling tells me to reconsider going for high prim property. It may cost me just a bit more in lindens (actually would only cost as much as a candy bar in real life), but I am sure it would be worth every bit of the investment. What good is living in a restricted environment when you know you can do better and have more? Besides I am quite a rebel when it comes to such restrictions; I'm one wild stallion that no one can restrain! hahaha go ask my parents!
GOING HIGH PRIM (Royal Tropical Condos)
The only thing constant in this universe is change - Ηράκλειτος
True enough, having to starve the need for more prims triggered the compulsion to look for an alternative place to stay. Going back to the "tropics" where I inquired the first time makes me regret for not moving here in the first place. Just add L$300 more to the Hale Hakuna unit would have given me about 400% more prim allowance!
Laci Snowdrop was right when she said Royal Tropical Condos was offering me a great deal. Having learned my lesson from Hale Hakuna, I now give more consideration to prim allowances than the cost of the rent pcm. The penthouse unit which includes the whole of the roof deck would give me 400 prims, an eye popping offer for L$1,000 - adding just L$200 more to the other units with 100 prim allowance, or double the rent of Hale Hakuna BUT statistically with 1600% more prims!
On top of the world: having 2 floors and 400 prims to mess around with, I would not have asked for more! As an added bonus, no eyesores in the neighbourhood as structures in the sim have to abide by covenant standards.
With so much room and space for my sweaty hands to work on, more home furnishings and fixtures (other than the ones I already have) would definitely be needed. Being a bit more wiser the second time around, I was more conscious in counting my prims without having to sacrifice quality.
Somewhat in between MAKEA and Primsavers, T&S Designs is one of the best places to get your furniture and other decorative and ornamental items.

My penthouse's "well behaved" bedroom... just right for resting your AVs before logging-off. Start to think out of the box, who said everything indoors have to be flat?
Having been frustrated with Hale Hakuna's marble texture, I took the liberty of adding a prim cover to replace the lighter wooden floor boards with a varnished finish. Decorating has never been this exciting especially if you start from scratch.

Home made goodies! The Aquateque Aquarium; the Japanese dining table; and the breakfast nook and bar are few of my very own creations! With an adequate prim allowance, custom-making should not be a problem.
Patiently taught on the basics of prim building and crafting by my SL mates (Lizzy, Lisa and Drei in particular), personalised and remodified furniture would definitely be part of the penthouse showcase. Nothing feels more better than having to see your own creation on display.
With prims to spare in my new home, I can now rezz up my favourite Makea furniture (at last).
Finding my MAKEAs a home for the last time, my sitting area has never looked this good! I am very pleased with what has been done to the penthouse and I can't thank Relic Starbrook enough for welcoming me into his group. He does have a lot of good offers for land without having to worry about maintaining tier fees, but I guess that would have to be left for another time. For now, the penthouse is just right for me.

My New Home... My Sanctuary...
Moving to the new penthouse is definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made! Though I cannot be sure that maintaining Hale Hakuna would be such a good idea, maybe I give it another month?
I have actually been asked countless times from fellow condo tenants below me, on when I would be leaving the penthouse. As much as I hate to disappoint people, I made sure they got the message that I would be staying way much longer. After all, I did gave Relic my word for a long time tenancy, and I plan to honour it. It would seem that "my penthouse" is one hot property, giving me the feeling that I have struck gold... and indeed I may have!
I have never felt so optimistic about my SL's future and so inspired in building more stuff. I do have dreams and aspirations in my virtual life, merging RL and SL just might be one of them, but who knows what tomorrow will bring? We would have to just wait and see...

Haven Is Where My HEART Is...
Only a handful of friends have seen this secret hideaway of ours. Not that I don't like having guests, it is just that I love to keep "some things" private /me winks and grins. Every corner of the penthouse carry a wonderful memory, making our home a sacred and holy ground. heeheehee

The perfect living quarters set on a homely ambiance simply brings RL close to SL ... and a house ain't a home without the Lizzy around to keep me company. Darn, I miss her already!
Lizzy and I could just sit at home (both virtual and RL I'm sure) and talk about absolutely anything under the stars for hours until one of us gets a tug from our dear Mister Sandman. With a homely atmosphere at the penthouse, there never will be a dull moment... ever.
Is There Life After Hale Hakuna?
... Definitely! But what to do with it, after Royal Tropical is the real question. While I'm at it, I do admit that I cannot help but wonder this time on how it is to finally have land of my own? If so, what would it be?
Beach island property or a secluded house by the lake? Hrmmmm... Better weigh the pros and cons first to know which type of property would suit us best.
But until the Virgo knows what he finally wants, and that Libra for once quickly makes up her mind (woooot hahaha), for now the penthouse will stay!
What Ever Happened to the Old Condo?
You would not believe what actually happened... it's gone! Imagine this: while doing some conversions to the unit, from just a sitting area to a disco with matching psychedelic dance floor... the whole building just disappeared!
Good thing I was not in the shower stark naked (ROFLWPIMP try figuring that one out hahaha) or worse doing a "winnie the...". I found out from the real land owners that the condo-owner's leasehold on the property has expired, and even has unsettled dues to his tier. That explains the desperate marketing he was doing when I first met him.
Still no word from the chap, wish he informed us all in his group before hand. So I guess in a way, this solved my dual-property dilemma. laughter

Where my old condo used to be? Gone with the wind (and 2 months worth of rent along with it... bugger!) I patiently wait for the condo owner to return... with a SIG 556 slung on my shoulder hahaha