Just when you thought you have already seen enough of the strange, the weird and the spooky in Second Life, something a little short of being a shocker would come and surprise you at some point in time.
It's been five (5) days since Liz and I were together. She went on a skiing trip (it was supposed to be snow heaven for her, but thanks to El Nino spoiling the whole thing - the snow didn't stay long enough for skiers to enjoy) while I took some time off to enjoy the weekend sun, something that had eluded Brits in the past couple of weeks (again thanks to global warming, shame on those who refuse to support and sign the Treaty of Kyoto).
Interrupted by a Whatintheworldisthathing!
Just when we were catching up for lost time, this very tall avatar just appeared out of nowhere! This strange looking man AVi about 7 feet tall (a very rare height in SL standards), wearing a 40s retro suit and a top hat approached us as we all stood there staring at each other.
The moments of aloofness was starting to get both boring and deafening, so someone had to break the ice. Liz was sort of frozen, albeit bewildered by this strange creature; while I was just preparing myself for the worse. I was tempted to bring out my BlackOps and Omega Concern "push~toys" (get the drift?) in case things get a bit nasty?
Fortunately, the better side of me was convinced that the best way to go through this was through diplomacy.
How Things Had Transpired...
Prepare for the big spook! hahaha
Showing up from nowhere, and spoke with a very deep sinister voice... aroooooo! coyote howls...
[16:53] Uzi Uriza: hello
[16:53] N71: uhmm hello
[16:53] N71: can we help?
[16:54] Uzi Uriza: im your local doctor
[16:54] N71: uhmm were healthy and fine thanks
[16:54] Uzi Uriza: i can see
[16:55] Lizzy: Hi Uzi
[16:55] N71: opps sorry
[16:55] Uzi Uriza: i need to do some tests
With that thing being so tall, he left me standing with my face leveled up to his chest... and insists that he does some "tests" to me and my babes...
[16:55] N71: smelled you lol
[16:55] N71: nahh i'm okay thanks
[16:55] Lizzy: I have had all mine done recently thanks
[16:55] Uzi Uriza: i need to examine you both
[16:56] Uzi Uriza: im sorry about that
[16:56] N71: uhmm have you finished Frankenstein yet (trying to be a bit sarcastic here hahaha)
[16:57] Uzi Uriza: im a zombie
[16:57] Uzi Uriza: and i attract flies

... and does this weird action/gesture, dances around stationary while sending out a loud creepy sound of swarming and buzzing insects.
[16:57] N71: ohhhh
[16:57] Lizzy: eww
[16:57] N71: well we can use the flies for fish bait (doing a Chandler Bing here people! hahaha)
[16:57] N71: great to have them here
[16:57] Uzi Uriza: i need to examine your wife (the nerve!!! as if I would actually agree to that? hah!)
[16:57] Lizzy: fly fishing
[16:58] Uzi Uriza gave you Beer Mug.
... gave us a drink to which Liz and I discarded soon after by the way... beer coming from a fly-infested zombie? I don't think so!
[16:58] Lizzy: I had my check up yesterday and the baby is fine
... (/me thinks) I am gonna be a dad?! Woohooo, bring out all the cigars! hahaha. I knew all those nights we spent together at the condo "playing" was going to bear good fruit! Awww babes! Booyah.. hahaha!
[16:58] Uzi Uriza: i need to have a look
[16:58] N71: nope she...
[16:58] N71: is FINE!
... that was a stern reply everyone, ready the pitchforks!
[16:58] Uzi Uriza: i am the doctor
[16:58] N71: I'm the only one who examines her
[16:58] N71: i am her husband... her personal doctor
[16:58] Lizzy: I already have a doctor
[16:58] Lizzy: hahaha
[16:59] Uzi Uriza: i need to see her alone
... yeah right! As if I would allow that!...
[16:59] N71: nope!
[16:59] Lizzy: nup (that's Aussie for NO by the way hahaha)
[16:59] N71: that ain't happening
[16:59] N71: sorry doc zombie
... If I were Aussie I would tell him to "Go jump in the lake!"... and give him the "high five!"... betcha' don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Unless if you are Aussie of course hahaha
[16:59] Uzi Uriza: its her choice
[16:59] Lizzy: Naps goes where ever I go
... GO BABES! GO tell him off! haha...
[16:59] N71: nup i make choices for her as she would also make decisions for me
... yes I am the man!!! Who's the daddy! Come on now, tell me? hahaha...
[16:59] N71: that's why were married (proud to be)
[16:59] N71: you know
[16:59] N71: unity as one (I was sure I meant "united" there hahaha)
[16:59] Uzi Uriza: i will have to insist
... again, give him the "high five"!...
[16:59] N71: one body
[16:59] N71: one soul
[16:59] Lizzy: ahahaaha
[17:00] N71: perhaps our neighbours may want to get examined
[17:00] N71: try Bladekiller
[17:00] N71: 114m away
[17:00] Lizzy: yes, after all the partying they do, I am sure they need a doctor
[17:00] N71: or his wife Larac
[17:01] N71: perhaps they may need your services
... and he finally TPs out from Always... eeep! I hope Bladekiller and Larac does not read this... I mean just look at this name, "Blade~Killer"... I surely would not want to mess with them and end up a zombie myself! hahaha
I wonder when the next bizarre moment is going to happen? Creepy! Must be global warming... because Halloween came way too early this year... hahahaha