Friday, 30 January 2009

OCS Viewer Update: Icing On The Cake

As mentioned in my previous blog, an update for the official OCS viewer is due to be out soon. Surprisingly, the update was released much sooner than expected! Yes folks, the much anticipated "patch" is here! Say bye-bye-bye to your "psychic" opponents who always seem to know exactly where you are! chuckles.

Some players have found a way around the absence of the radar-like "mini-map" by using the "main-map" as an alternative. Though not as convenient as having a permanent "beacon" on the corner of your screen, the main map can be quite useful as if having a "satellite navigator" at hand. Having to pause for a while for some location-hints have proven to be as effective as having the actual mini-map on. But as we will all know by now, those days are definitely OVER!

A ghost town? No troops? Not quite! The new OCS viewer disables the built-in-map's radar system, showing only an aerial topographical shot of the sim.

Say goodbye to all those psychic "playahs" (laughter) who seem to have the supernatural powers to shadow your every move hehehe. No more wall shooters... no more "x-ray visions"... and to those who love having immortality HUDs and shields, radars and bootleg OCS gear, no more room for you in the new Fulda Gap. Virtual combat has never been this fair... this exciting and this awesome as ever before.

As I attempt to be one of those psychics in FG (off-the game of course: chuckles), I foresee a day when more and more players would be encouraged to go head-to-head with top OCS gamers in Fulda Gap. Then again you need not be a psychic to know that. hehehe

My hat's off to all the Omega Concern people behind this remarkable OCS viewer!

A Secret Playground

Has any of you discovered that secret location in Fulda Gap yet? Just when you thought that everything we see in the new FG are the only things we would have to be contented with, here comes another interesting feature. Truly, there is actually a lot more in Fulda than meets the pixel eye! But getting there isn't as easy as you think, as a lot of that "thinking-out-of-the-box" may have to apply here: sentido común.

Okay! okay here are some tips for those unaware of this secret garden of delights (but they would have to be in a riddle):

a. The sun will shine and i hope you won't mind, me saying "Here's Johnny" on a street not aligned...

b. Rub that magic lamp and wish one song for me, singing "A whole new world" to a claustrophobic place to be...

Keep your eyes peeled. This labyrinth is an ambush haven. You'll never know what awaits around a corner.

Indeed it is a whole (or should I say a "hole" hahaha) new world as it would not be easy chasing (or be chased by) an opponent in a network of narrow tunnels, in which to the inexperience combatant may just end up a dead-end. I have seen a lot of pockets for ambushes, making this maze a perfect venue for CQC or Close Quarters Combat.

I am already hearing a lot of us here saying: "Where in the world have I placed that bloody crowbar?" hahaha

A dose of the Dual Sig Sauer P229 Handgun might just be helpful in tight situations like these as well. Time to test these babies! woot! woot!

I have also been hearing about a "vault" somewhere in Fulda, which I still have to find out for myself! Something with a secret combination was also being talked about within the OCS-FG community. Now that adds more excitement to the game's role play, don't you think? What exactly is inside it? More questions.. more riddles!

What The Heck Is A Laser Designator?

Ever wonder what that Laser Designator (LD) in our Sig-556 actually does? In my first few days in Fulda, I was able to try this motha-for-all-seasons feature in our ever-so-reliable Sig 556. I called it the "Hail Mary" as it activates a barrage of artillery from the sky. It lasts a good ten seconds (or even more), capable of eliminating a group of bogeys in the field with just one shot (yep, the holy grail!). It still should be active in Fulda though theoretically, a certain object (albeit also in a certain angle and time) must be specifically targeted. The stuff that involves a lot of "jargon-mathematics".

Eeeeep... x2 + y3 multiplied by z2 divided by the square root of 0.765 multiplied by the distance of 56 meters equals.... oh ugh my head hurts.... hahaha

However, it is also possible to try it out on a public sand-box which does not have a "no-push" restriction. Just make sure there is no sign that prohibits the use of any weapons. You will definitely be left in awe with this spectacular feature... totally a sub-freezing level in the coolness gadget meter! Promise!

Three heads are better than two! Pushing the stakes higher as the Sig-556 plays a vital role in supporting teamwork on the battlefield, with the pilot, gunner and designator coordinating each others' actions.

There is another reason why we have LDs featured in our Sigs. Think of the AH-Apache Longbow's APKWS Rockets... Ever wondered why they aren't laser activated from the chopper like its killer-Hellfire counterpart? That is where the Sig-556 LD steps in! OCS is pushing teamwork in FG further by encouraging coordination between team-mates situated in the air to the ones down below. Another step forward in eliminating individualism among players in Fulda.

A scene of things to come! Ground troops guiding the AH-64D Apache Longbow for bogeys. Communication and coordination will be a major factor in winning against opposing forces.

But before we go jumping off our seats, ripping our shirts off and flexing those biceps (well the ladies can stop after the ripping of shirts and forget the biceps... we'll be fine with that hahaha) giving out a loud "grrrrrrrr haarrrrrrr"... bare in mind that these things are currently in the works and are still being tested by our friends at the Omega Concern. Believe me they have heaps and truckloads lined up for all the zealous OCS maniacs like me! hahaha...

STOP! Hummer Time!
da-da-da-dum... ta-dum... di-dum... should touch this!

While the vehicle production of big name companies around the world has been hit by recession, The Omega Concern is optimistic that the pending release of a new DOZOR/HUMMER ( High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle aka HMMWV or Humvee) would just beat that! A leaked photo by insiders (shhh don't tell April!) have seen the manufacture of an improved and updated version of the military vehicle. Rumour of another version installed with a top mounted .50 caliber machine gun is also in the works. Looks like the good times are about to roll in Fulda Gap!

I want one! ... or four for that matter! Just another amazing installment for us OCS kids! 2009 looks bright after all!

Well folks, that is just the tip of the iceberg as I have been told that there are a lot more surprises waiting for us in the couple of months (if not weeks) to come. Finally, no more reason to whine about cheats and all the good reasons for Olympus to have a break from baby-sitting us kids.

Don't you just love a happy ending?