The long wait is over after so much anticipation for the release of the latest F-14 Tomcat at Wilder West. It was rumoured to really blow your mind away, but you wont really know how kick~ass this bird of steel is until you see it for yourself. There was good reason for its slight delay which coincided with the expansion of Wilder West to include other sims in its fly zone. Flying the Tomcat in the expanded area would definitely give you superb airborne experience. The new F-14 is a magnificent collaboration between Niki Wilder and MeganAnn Mills, head honchos of Wilder Mills Aviation, Inc. which develops, conceptualise, design and manufacture jet fighters, utility aircraft and show planes in Second Life.

Comparing it from the first version (which was my second jet fighter procurement after chancing upon the F/A-18 Hornet a couple of months ago), much of it has changed thus it being more of a new plane than an update. Just at first glance you will see and feel that it has been a labour of love, and know the reason why it took longer be to released than earlier anticipated.
New amazing features were even added:
A tail hook which is standard in RL aircraft carrier jets was added; cockpit opens and closes upon command both on-board and outside the plane; machine guns as well as adding the new Aim-9 Sidewinder missile and the Aim-54 Phoenix ( in its artillery; beacon lights at the cockpit and dual-tail fin; realistic sounds for its afterburner, artillery and engine; stable handling especially during landing on the carrier deck; gear and wing commands and the usual dynamic camera which is standard and only available from most aircraft manufactured at Wilder~Mills Aviation, Inc.
Badass artillery! Both missiles can be activated by typing F1 or F2 in local chat. It's such an amazing sight to see**.
The Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche
The Army's answer to the stealth fighter jets being used by today's modern-day military, the Comanche is quite a formidable force to reckon with. Fitted with both air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles and the standard 200mm Gatling gun, it is the best reconnaissance and attack helicopter to date.
Attack from the shores: The Comanche when fully loaded** is an intimidating piece of machinery!
A re-modified version is available at Wilder Mills Aviation, Inc with an easy to use command system all controllable within mouselook mode. It features a built-in Heads-Up Display (HUD) and is manoeuvred using both the arrow keys and mouse for direction while PGUP/PGDN keys controls the altitude. The chopper can be started by typing START, and stopped by typing STOP in local chat as well as deploying bombs by typing ON and stop the bombardment by typing OFF. Guns are fired using the left mouse. It is by far the easiest attack chopper to fly with realistic sound and visual effects during take-off and landing.
Like the Tomcat, the Comanche is a two-seater aircraft and can reach heights as far as the SL stratosphere. Speed can be commanded by typing 1 to 9 (20% to 90% velocity) or ZERO (for 100% full thrust). It can be flown to and from any skybox or platform above 512 metres.
There are more interesting planes being offered at Wilder Mills. Go visit USS Wilderwest and see all of them for yourself.
** featured missiles are not included in the purchase. They were custom made by N71 Aeon and were taken from another source. They are not attached to the aircraft but worn as an attachment.