It's been over a year now since being reborn in Second Life (SL), yesterday just seemed like a breeze. Although my addiction to Second Life has somehow stabilised to fascination (hee hee hee), I still can't help but log-in on every available occasion. Maybe not as often as I have been in the past year (thanks to intervening RL matters) but nevertheless still as thrilled as the time I first discovered SL.
Circumstantial factors have yanked me back into the chaotic world we all call "real life" (some actually call it reak life hahaha), like a wormhole spawned from an imploding supernova. It was never easy at first as I turn cold-turkey from the relapses of having to miss out on something (and someone) I really love sighs... Like an addict needing an immediate fix.
Those who may not understand SL would ask:
Why all the fuss?
Nothing to it really... you can say it is similar to other web-based social-networking websites that a lot of people also get hooked into: We have Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, Bebo, Yahoo Social (e-Groups, Answers, Messenger), MSN, Twitter as well as various on-line gaming sites that attract a lot of hard-core gamers who are into role-play. The list can go on, with new ones coming out every now and then.
Does that mean SL is a Doppelgänger of sorts? Well not quite if you ask me, but in fact a combination of them all. Second Life is an all-in-one: social networking, role play gaming, shopping, building/crafting/designing, clubbing, fund-raising, exhibits etc. It simply mirrors the activities people actually do in real life.
A New Generation in Online Interaction
We have come a long way since Yahoo popularised the notorious chat rooms. I'm sure every one of us had fallen victim to the Yahoo chat addiction, one way or the other. Now here comes the new kid on the block, Second Life. It goes beyond the norm, as one can see an actual virtual representation of the person they are talking to on-line. Emoticons and smileys are now things left to the web's Jurrasic era.
Interaction is now expressed in movements and gestures leaving little to imagination, rather than the old and traditional static text. Finally, individuals can now mimic real-life activities on-line... the stuff that would have been considered as science fiction a few years back.
Celebrating The Friendship
What probably keeps residents to religiously "bundy-in" to their virtual lives are the people behind the AVs (avatars), as one surely would never have survived in SL without them... a well known fact for I would have been one of them.
Looking back evokes a wonderful feel-good sensation in my chest. I would never have lasted this long without these wonderful folks. It may just seem like a virtual game to some, but the thought of acceptance and the trust developing between two people is as important as how things would actually be in real life. The driving force that binds individuals together as the "you and me" evolves into a "we".
My Foundations...
A Tribute To Friendship Through The Wires.
Recalling the very first people I have met takes me back to the days of yore. Being naive and utterly lost at the start of my virtual journey had left me as a drifter. That may be quite embarrassing for someone my age hahaha. But thanks to these people who had helped me put all the pieces together, a "no-one for a nobody" has become a "somebody for someone" in Second Life.
So here I raise a flute of my virtual champas as I give tribute to the foundations that have helped mould N71 Aeon to the avatar he is today. Helping me stand strong on my pixel toes, as I reach for the stars. They are truly Corinthian Doric columns that hold together the Parthenon! /me smiles
Now meet the people behind the Aeon!
Circumstantial factors have yanked me back into the chaotic world we all call "real life" (some actually call it reak life hahaha), like a wormhole spawned from an imploding supernova. It was never easy at first as I turn cold-turkey from the relapses of having to miss out on something (and someone) I really love sighs... Like an addict needing an immediate fix.
Those who may not understand SL would ask:
Why all the fuss?
Nothing to it really... you can say it is similar to other web-based social-networking websites that a lot of people also get hooked into: We have Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, Bebo, Yahoo Social (e-Groups, Answers, Messenger), MSN, Twitter as well as various on-line gaming sites that attract a lot of hard-core gamers who are into role-play. The list can go on, with new ones coming out every now and then.
Does that mean SL is a Doppelgänger of sorts? Well not quite if you ask me, but in fact a combination of them all. Second Life is an all-in-one: social networking, role play gaming, shopping, building/crafting/designing, clubbing, fund-raising, exhibits etc. It simply mirrors the activities people actually do in real life.
A New Generation in Online Interaction
We have come a long way since Yahoo popularised the notorious chat rooms. I'm sure every one of us had fallen victim to the Yahoo chat addiction, one way or the other. Now here comes the new kid on the block, Second Life. It goes beyond the norm, as one can see an actual virtual representation of the person they are talking to on-line. Emoticons and smileys are now things left to the web's Jurrasic era.
Interaction is now expressed in movements and gestures leaving little to imagination, rather than the old and traditional static text. Finally, individuals can now mimic real-life activities on-line... the stuff that would have been considered as science fiction a few years back.
Celebrating The Friendship
What probably keeps residents to religiously "bundy-in" to their virtual lives are the people behind the AVs (avatars), as one surely would never have survived in SL without them... a well known fact for I would have been one of them.
Looking back evokes a wonderful feel-good sensation in my chest. I would never have lasted this long without these wonderful folks. It may just seem like a virtual game to some, but the thought of acceptance and the trust developing between two people is as important as how things would actually be in real life. The driving force that binds individuals together as the "you and me" evolves into a "we".
My Foundations...
A Tribute To Friendship Through The Wires.
Recalling the very first people I have met takes me back to the days of yore. Being naive and utterly lost at the start of my virtual journey had left me as a drifter. That may be quite embarrassing for someone my age hahaha. But thanks to these people who had helped me put all the pieces together, a "no-one for a nobody" has become a "somebody for someone" in Second Life.
So here I raise a flute of my virtual champas as I give tribute to the foundations that have helped mould N71 Aeon to the avatar he is today. Helping me stand strong on my pixel toes, as I reach for the stars. They are truly Corinthian Doric columns that hold together the Parthenon! /me smiles
Now meet the people behind the Aeon!
Keeley Huet
(February 10, 2008)
(February 10, 2008)

Virtually lost and without a clue on what to do next, my noobish behaviour of yelling out for help had me cross paths with Keely Huet. Being obviously desperate to erase that Haraguy image in me (hahaha), Keely kindly responded when others have blatantly ignored me (probably for being a rude shouting noob? lol). I have gone a long way as a noob since she showed me the importance of the "search button", giving truth to her words that "Search is your friend." She recommended The Block and that was where I took off in my relentless quest to redo N71 completely.
Apart from being the first virtual mate I have in Second Life, she's also a very artistic, nature-loving Brit and I'm very honoured to have her as a friend. The occasional IM and "howareyous" are always a joy. Even to this day, recalling to having met her for the first time at Bonifacio is as vivid as the event just happening a day before.
Obviously a fashionista and one that would heavily invest in an exquisite wardrobe collection, she's the right person to ask advice for that perfect makeover.
Coleen Cuttita
(February 10, 2008)
(February 10, 2008)

Another Brit I've met on my second day in SL, she's one I would consider to be adventurous. How often would you be given a flying carpet tour around a whole sim. Rarely do I allow a woman to take over the wheel in RL (hahahaha just kidding), but it's wonderful to be driven around for a change. First meeting her in Abranimations main shop in search of my first groovy (and daft) dance animations, we immediately cliqued.
The adventure didn't stop there though as she brought me into the world of Pirates, as well as awakening that dormant James Dean persona hiding inside me (okay, okay! Too deep for you? I meant rebel)! Just remembering how we used to argue a lot about colour preference is hilarious, and I am sure she too would laugh at the thought of it as well. People who really know me would say I am more into dark earthly colours, while she prefers things to be lighter and brighter; a stark contrast obviously. hahaha But those little spats don't usually last long as real friends won't have misunderstandings carrying over to the next day.
Also very artistic and has an exceptional business sense, she's one friend that you wouldn't dare forget! I call her the Dame of Bare Rose as she had introduced me to one of the most interesting and practical shopping places in Second Life. Japanese Anime and Manga anyone? woot!
Laci Snowdrop
(February 18, 2008)
(February 18, 2008)

The one responsible for giving me such a fabulous home. For some strange reason, she actually had doubted my gender thinking I was a woman in real life! hahahaha! Letting her hear my voice was the only way I could convince her I was 100% alpha Cro-Magnon (or could it ever be just a clever ploy? hehehe) She's very lovely even in real life, and is trustworthy as a friend!
When this lady falls in love with someone, it's something that goes well beyond reason. She strongly believes that true love does exists in SL, and nothing can be more truer than that (smiles). Aside from being a property manager for Royal Tropical, she's also a model who's face has graced some of Second Life's popular fashion magazines.
I have been great friends with her eversince. She's someone who surely wont mind me crashing into her house, raid the fridge and help myself for last night's leftover meals hahaha! She's such a darling, and she knows that I would be there for her if ever she does need a shoulder to cry on. But please Laci, bring your own tissues okay! Just kidding hun!
Caroline Apollo
(February 27, 2008)

Finally meeting the woman behind the creation of Caroline's Jewelry was a very exciting moment. Getting to see her for the first time was also inspiring as I have nothing but praise and admiration for all builders in SL. The brainstorming sessions for some of her upcoming projects is something I always look forward to. She has this knack on getting to stimulate a creative cloud when she is at work, and somehow the spillover influences the people around her.
Her creations are unique as a fingerprint, with a signature design that makes her collection stand out! Innovation and constant reinvention may be the key to her success, being a perfectionist is also another. Her love for experimentation demonstrates her brilliance in the art of building and crafting.
Her taste in virtual photography is outstanding as you will see in her photoblog. She is a great fan of contemporary virtual art as she has introduced me to quite a few galleries and sims host to such events.
But not all is serious for Caroline all the time. Like most of us, she has got some crazy moments! hahaha No one has ever wrestled me down to the ground after a rib crunching suplex followed up by a pile drive!
Wholly responsible for our 7Seas Fishing addiction, she never fails to share to her friends the joys of having a Second Life. As being one of the original and pioneering residents, it is no doubt that she knows how to constantly keep things exciting. Being host to various parties, gatherings and the swankiest of all events at her sim is just but icing on the cake, as Lo Lo has always been a favourite venue for events.
A very thoughtful friend as she is always there to assist us without fail. With some common friends in tow, I am certain that the fun and excitement in all our SL adventures will continue for as long as Second Life will have her around.
Sammie Benoir
(February 28, 2008)

Yeah I know, the hair so quit staring! hahaha Actually Sammie won't be seen with the same hair and outfit the following day, and at times with no outfit at all (hahaha, she blames it to an SL glitch, woot!) The ultimate dressing up doll with 1001 gimicks tucked under her sleeve, but if she is wearing something sleeveless then they must be hidden somewhere else. hahaha If not for floating name tags, I can guarantee you will never know it is her!
I first met Sam on her RL birthday in Miramare hanging out with the brickies. She loves to listen to voice chat and could actually replace Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres as talkshow host for being abreast with all the latest SL gossip hahahaha. Getting her bored would mean big trouble... and I mean B-I-G! hehehe, so be kind and do keep her entertained at all times!
You can say she is Lizzy's little sister and having them together is like mixing amonium nitate and water: they explode and can create irreversible damage in Second Life! hoooots! Loved by many and very fun to be with, real life had suddenly taken her away from us. sighs Sammie-baby you are sorely missed!
I first met Sam on her RL birthday in Miramare hanging out with the brickies. She loves to listen to voice chat and could actually replace Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres as talkshow host for being abreast with all the latest SL gossip hahahaha. Getting her bored would mean big trouble... and I mean B-I-G! hehehe, so be kind and do keep her entertained at all times!
You can say she is Lizzy's little sister and having them together is like mixing amonium nitate and water: they explode and can create irreversible damage in Second Life! hoooots! Loved by many and very fun to be with, real life had suddenly taken her away from us. sighs Sammie-baby you are sorely missed!

I knew Lisa would have a great influence in me the moment I first saw her in Miramare. Rezzed with a golden heart, she has helped countless of new residents (and that includes me) to settle down quickly in Second Life. She is one true believer of Pay-It-Forward, having been a recipient of a good deed when she too was a noob. One of the founding members of the SexyHot Bitches (SHB), she has helped establish one of SL's most popular groups.
Giving me my first ever HUD tool, the Mysti Tool for protection only shows how much she cares for her friends. Her mentorship goes beyond prim building, as I have learned a lot of other skills from her.
She is a strong advocate in bringing back the glory days of the old Nova Albion, one of the first virtual continents in Second Life. One who believes in order and a woman who is always on the go, you will never have idle moments around this lass from the U.S. northwest!
She helped relaunch hydrofoil racing in SL and was able to form an impressive roster of pilots. Winning Oceanica's 2008 season, as well as being a major player to a host of other crossover tournaments clearly shows how this woman is synomymous to the catchphrase: The need for speed!
Giving me my first ever HUD tool, the Mysti Tool for protection only shows how much she cares for her friends. Her mentorship goes beyond prim building, as I have learned a lot of other skills from her.
She is a strong advocate in bringing back the glory days of the old Nova Albion, one of the first virtual continents in Second Life. One who believes in order and a woman who is always on the go, you will never have idle moments around this lass from the U.S. northwest!
She helped relaunch hydrofoil racing in SL and was able to form an impressive roster of pilots. Winning Oceanica's 2008 season, as well as being a major player to a host of other crossover tournaments clearly shows how this woman is synomymous to the catchphrase: The need for speed!
Dreiheit Dragonash
(March 6 , 2008)

Her name which means trinity in German (though very American IRL), may see her as cool and as elusive as the character of the same name in the movie The Matrix! hehehe Obviously a well traveled individual with the capability to mesmerizing everyone with her intellect, conversations with her may take you to the farthest corners of the globe. Her stories of global escapades reminds you that there is more to life than just work.
We talk of the same lingo when it comes to deadlines, and the problems we both have for over-expectations at work is simply uncanny. Seemingly full of zest for life, her bubbliness is so contagious that she makes you forget all your worries - well until the time she logs off and you start having them all over again hahahaha
She is the super-quick-drying-glue that binds the friendship together, and carries with her a breeze of fresh air wherever she goes. Though not in-world as often as she wants to (or as we want her to be), every opportunity we have with her is a moment worth remembering. Meeting her for the first time was a "sure-eye-opener" /me chuckles and is something I can never ever forget hahaha She and a "friend" (look above /me winks) had given this noob (meaning me hehehe) a taste of what Second Life can really be like, a mastercard moment... priceless! but it's not what you think you perves! hahaha
Just The Start of Something Big(ger)...
The list can go on forever though I would have to cut it short to a time when the noobish N71 was christened to finally be a bona fide resident in Second Life. I have met a lot of fantastic people along the way and some have still remained great friends with me.
I may have reached a milestone upon getting acquainted with one of the most amazing and inspiring people to meet in SL. On March 9, Lizzy Mornington also one of the founding members of the SHB came to be a big part of my life. It would be safe to say that in both SL and RL, she served as my anchor, my beacon and my companion in all my journeys across the Second Life grid. For once I no longer have to be "emotionally" alone anymore. She is an el capitana who constantly steers the ship to dirección correcta when things would seem to go astray.
Who would have thought that a quiet Aussie lass seated next to me during a common-friend's wedding would actually be the start of something big? Left to right: Lizzy Mornington, N71 Aeon, Sammie Benoir and Karmmann Ghia endured a lagfest as nuptial back-benchers.
Of course the rest goes down in history as most of us know by now. Someone in this group photo may have caught the bride's bouquet and got hitched herself... Vegas style baby! (laughter) Being naive made me miss obvious signs that those simple glances meant something after all! /me winks
But for whatever reason, I know all would be revealed on a special feature blog. Shouldn't spill everything in here, should I? hehehe Just saving the best for last, I guess?
The Show Must Go On...
Perhaps 2009 is the beginning of Book Two in our SL adventures. The start of the new year may not quite have been what most of us had in mind. But hey, whoever said that with all the bleakness and gloom surrounding the economic-world nowadays, the fun and the partying should end? As far as I am concerned, we only have just begun. With such great and wonderful mates with us in all our virtual journeys, how can we go wrong?
Looking back again a year before, with the thought of not having to meet any of the friends I have today is unsettling. I think I would not have stayed this long if not for all the fantastic moments I have spent with them. There are times when silence does set in between two friends, which should not be the cause for any wrinkles. As I believe (and surely a lot of us here too as well) that the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation that you ever had.
We talk of the same lingo when it comes to deadlines, and the problems we both have for over-expectations at work is simply uncanny. Seemingly full of zest for life, her bubbliness is so contagious that she makes you forget all your worries - well until the time she logs off and you start having them all over again hahahaha
She is the super-quick-drying-glue that binds the friendship together, and carries with her a breeze of fresh air wherever she goes. Though not in-world as often as she wants to (or as we want her to be), every opportunity we have with her is a moment worth remembering. Meeting her for the first time was a "sure-eye-opener" /me chuckles and is something I can never ever forget hahaha She and a "friend" (look above /me winks) had given this noob (meaning me hehehe) a taste of what Second Life can really be like, a mastercard moment... priceless! but it's not what you think you perves! hahaha
Just The Start of Something Big(ger)...
The list can go on forever though I would have to cut it short to a time when the noobish N71 was christened to finally be a bona fide resident in Second Life. I have met a lot of fantastic people along the way and some have still remained great friends with me.
I may have reached a milestone upon getting acquainted with one of the most amazing and inspiring people to meet in SL. On March 9, Lizzy Mornington also one of the founding members of the SHB came to be a big part of my life. It would be safe to say that in both SL and RL, she served as my anchor, my beacon and my companion in all my journeys across the Second Life grid. For once I no longer have to be "emotionally" alone anymore. She is an el capitana who constantly steers the ship to dirección correcta when things would seem to go astray.

Of course the rest goes down in history as most of us know by now. Someone in this group photo may have caught the bride's bouquet and got hitched herself... Vegas style baby! (laughter) Being naive made me miss obvious signs that those simple glances meant something after all! /me winks
But for whatever reason, I know all would be revealed on a special feature blog. Shouldn't spill everything in here, should I? hehehe Just saving the best for last, I guess?
The Show Must Go On...
Perhaps 2009 is the beginning of Book Two in our SL adventures. The start of the new year may not quite have been what most of us had in mind. But hey, whoever said that with all the bleakness and gloom surrounding the economic-world nowadays, the fun and the partying should end? As far as I am concerned, we only have just begun. With such great and wonderful mates with us in all our virtual journeys, how can we go wrong?
Looking back again a year before, with the thought of not having to meet any of the friends I have today is unsettling. I think I would not have stayed this long if not for all the fantastic moments I have spent with them. There are times when silence does set in between two friends, which should not be the cause for any wrinkles. As I believe (and surely a lot of us here too as well) that the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation that you ever had.