My long wait is over! I finally caught up with the "not-fer-yer-average-mama's-boy" salvage set from Migizi's Custom Catch collection. Probably one of the few who first came out with alternate salvage catches outside the official (7S) label, Migizi North gave us one of the most sought after custom fishing rods:
The Nautilus and Squid Rod.
Despite of having to catch only three salvages, the blue print being designated as an SUR was as elusive as trying to catch a glimpse of a Coelacanth in the open seas. The fishing rod variant is a spin-off combining Migizi's separate Nautilus and Squid customs, both available to catch from any of his popular CPGs (Custom Prize Givers) around the 7S fishing community. Similar variants of the Nautilus and Squid from other builders and creators have soon followed.
The completion of my salvage set took me quite a long and patient wait, before I finally got the chance to claim the much coveted fishing rod. Having to complete 5 sets before redeeming any bounty is never an easy task.
On why I have to complete 5 (five) sets of the same fishes, customs and salvages would be discussed at another time (winks).
Migizi North has added two more unique fishing rods to his collection: the Ice Fishing Bone Jig Rod and the Migizi's Skull & Bones 5 Rod Holder, both of which can be freely caught on MN/CPG (Migizi North-Custom Prize Giver) enabled waters. If you're not the patient type, you can purchase them directly from any of his on-site vendors. For those who are interested in hosting an MN/CPG, just contact Migizi for more details.

Migizi's Haunted Galleon Avatar
The first non-human avatar shape offered as a fishable prize. It would also be known as the benchmark that started the AVi-giveaway trend. With 6 (six) salvages required to catch and complete, this quest would be more of a "jump in the lake" than a "walk in the park" (laughs out loud).
Most salvage parts are not that hard to come by particularly the Red Medallion which is the easiest to catch, while the Blueprint (the first animated BP ever to be crafted) and the Captured Male Spirit both being SuperUltraRare (SUR) are the very hardest! Did I already mentioned "very"? hehehehe
Unlike the Nautilus and Squid fishing rod, the avatar is no transfer making trading for the assembled custom impossible. The unused or unactivated salvages however can still be given away freely. As an added feature, the Haunted Galleon avatar is combat ready and can fire its cannons on active role play.

Want a piece of the action? Then come visit Migizi North's Haunted Pirate Island at Beek Zuiden Zee. A friendly word of advice as the fishing area is located in a role-play pirate battle sim, pirate gear or mermaid/mermen outfits are a must. There are free garments available at the vendor area BUT please do mind yourself for any "surprises". hahaha pirates you're dealing with, don't forget that!
Combine and Activate
Putting together salvage catches for an assembled custom is not complicated at all. On a free-rezz area, just drag the salvages to the ground... click the items one at a time... and wait for the blueprint to respond and deliver your assembled item.
Waiting for a "confirmation" from the blueprint "whispering" that the item was loaded successfully is important, so do take your time.
On a rez-restricted area, you can hold the salvages on your hand or attach them to any available part of your body (meaning parts not having any attachments) and click them one at a time for the blueprint to load them up.
Take note that there are a lot of other salvage sets out there just waiting to get discovered. It's just a matter of who's builds or what custom set to catch first.
Apart from these Migizi variants, creations from Amara Twilight, Sugar Rush and Pala are quite interesting to catch and fun to collect as well.
More talk about that very soon... keep looking up for this blog.
Adios mi amigo!