The new Fulda underground can indeed be quite a challenge, especially for the novice explorer. With a vast network of corridors (with most leading to a dead end), finding your way around won't be easy! For those who are very familiar with the place may find it to be just the perfect spot for ambushes.
Being a lot bigger than last year's version (about treble in size), it features a labyrinth of illusions and traps. Troops who encounter it for the first time would enter uncharted territory. Well not if you have a detailed map of course! (sniggers) I am sure everyone would enjoy surveying every aspect of this fantastic new feature, and I'll bet my bottom linden on that.

Fulda Gap's Side Quest
Solving the vault's combination...
First time together in combat this year, Lizzy and En had familiarised themselves with the canals, an added feature in Fulda Gap's constantly changing landscape. Not a lot of us are also aware that an underground vault exists, totally different from the bank vault located at the town centre. Both vaults have a digital (combination) lock for which any of us may try at cracking its code. It shows a series of patterns and numerical sequences which I'm sure must be arranged in order.
There may be a reason why Omega Concern have placed two vaults in Fulda Gap. Introducing a side quest (- quite popular in most console role play games) may indeed be a good way to past time, while a player waits for another to join the game.
There might be the need for a bit of IQ to help you decipher the code. Even the mathematically-inclined Liz was so challenged by it, she decided to give it a go. As we have tried it several times ourselves (in which we both were unsuccessful with), cracking the code wont be a walk in the park. It surely would be worth the effort as a very reliable source revealed that rewards "might" be given out to whoever unlocks any of the vaults first.
Interesting enough for you already? Then what the heck are you waiting for... XD

Testing The OCS Server
And how fast and smart it really is!...
... said as an "exclamation" and not a "question", just for the record!
With the new OCS viewer getting more and more popular within the OCS community (for being able to disable features that give players an unfair-advantage in combat), and the OCS HUD being the most sophisticated combat Heads Up Display available to date... one can't help but focus their next attention on the OCS server.
So we gave it a go! (ahem... but of course with permission!)
The only remaining disadvantage we can get from an opponent who wishes nothing more but to cheat you off for your points, is the use of Radar HUDs. Yep we have heaps of them in Second Life, from the most cheap but straight-forward ones to the most virtually-tech advance types. April did firmly specify that the use of such devices in Fulda Gap is not tolerated. A number of players have been banned for flaunting that rule, and it would be a shame if any of us would be joining the dunce list. (... and not the dean's list hahaha...)
Just because no formal announcement has been made of anyone actually getting banned doesn't mean that it hasn't already happened? Well you would be surprised! OCS folks are just pros in handling situations like these. They'd rather keep it between themselves and the parties involved to avoid further embarrassment... like I've said, they are professionals, believe me I know. /me sticks his tongue out
"Ignorance of the law excuses no-one"
It does not mean that the absence of a sign board stating the rules would allow us to be FREE to do as we wish. Even in real life combat, all troops must abide by the articles of war and with it are the rules of engagement. The same goes in Fulda as with any other combat simulators in Second Life. Basically, it boils down to conscience, common sense and good karma.
For those who aren't aware that the "basics" can be found in the official Omega Concern website: click here
It pays to be a "soldado honorĂ¡vel" when people would get to know you as an officer and a gentleman (not that you would end up looking exactly like a young Richard Gere... /me laughs), even if you are in a virtual environment. Nothing feels greater than earning the respect and friendship of a fellow player, don't you agree?
How did the test go?
Amazing!... as it was almost instantly that April was able to pinpoint and identify exactly when and what type of scripts were being used, which still leaves her a bit of more time to observe you in amusement (hahaha). Like I have said, the Gods of Olympus are "always" watching (online and offline, the servers never sleeps lol)... and with a Smart OCS Server working in our favour, how else could things go wrong?
Oh and a friendly reminder (something I am sure most of us already know by now), Radar HUDs and Sim Scanners launch probes in the air (for radars to do their scanning work), and in which the server also quickly picks up. Need I say more? You know what I'm talking about... winks hehehe

Still haven't found the underground yet?
Alright, in the picture above: one of us is facing one entrance, and the other is standing a few clicks to its left. Another hint would be that one of them (entrances) is actually seen in the picture! Come on give it a try! You will surely feel proud once you have found it, honest! winks
Too Much Military Police
Where is all the fun?...
I have been told by some players that there may be too much policing in Fulda, compared to any other combat sims in Second Life. I beg to differ as one who has tried other venues in the past. Protocols have recently been introduced into Fulda Gap to help ensure that the game stays within the fair-play boundaries, as what a true role play sim should be.
As common knowledge would tell us: Only crooks or people who know they have done something wrong, would run at the sight of authorities. If you know you've done nothing wrong, then why fret? Unless you really have got something to hide. loud laughter
It simply is just amusing (if I may borrow April's words for a moment lol) to see some players who teleport out of the sim the moment April or any of the Game Managers (GMs) show up at Fulda. I mean, don't you think that would be the perfect time to show off your panache and impress the top honchos? Come on, convince yourself that they are just there to watch. hehehe, oh man I am soooo bad.. really! hahaha

There is always an underlying reason (and lessons even) why Omega Concern have to put their foot down on the matter. I have to admit, Fulda Gap had been in a bit of a muddle during the last quarter of 2008. Hungry "points/level-driven" players who would rather breach the barrier of "acceptable behaviour" than play fair in combat have prompted the GMs to bring up these policies, dramatically changing the way OCS combat should be played in the estate. The measures were absolutely necessary to inject new blood in the game, as veteran players have been put-off by the inconsideration brought about by these young bloods (or alts in my opinion hahaha).
The absence of policing have resulted in some combat sims closing down due to griefing, harassment and vandalism by some of its players. While some venues are inferior in ensuring a spontaneous and cheat-free game, others end up being nothing more but a Half-Life spin-off in SL. Though in fairness, I still have yet to try the new Keirman of the Brazilian OCS group. We just might have another OCS haven in the making here. smiles
Pushing The Envelope Further
... batteries not included...
The people behind Fulda Gap have laboured tirelessly to bring to its patrons a role play that is nothing short of being plausible and convincing. With all that has been accomplished so far, more improvements are still being carried out, as I have mentioned of more surprises awaiting the loyal OCS disciple (Judas Iscariot included haha).

The mention of night vision being possible in Fulda Gap and the ongoing improvements to add weather factors affecting the way we play is simply incredible! Think: fog, rain or even snow!... anything is possible right? (ugh, just the mention of snow gave me a headache, having had too much of it in the past week in RL hahaha).
Well of course these are all still "beta" and are currently being tested by the GMs, with the exception for the night vision which might be released soon! And I was hoping that the night vision would come in "x-ray" vision as well. Do I have to tell you why? hahaha... /me waves at his Lizzy-babes! Who luvs ya babe?