I have to thank Lizzy as well as point all my fingers (and toes) to her for being responsible for everything. When she plans a party expect nothing less than awesome, inspiring and amazing. I have seen her in action when she organised Lisa and Drei's rezday late last year, in what I consider a remarkable one-woman show! When Lizzy multi-task, she's a Macintosh at work (laughter).

Here's an important tip:
When a loved-one have taken themselves off the map (or you can't seem to locate them anywhere even when they are online), expect trouble (hahaha). But somehow that day I have given everything the benefit of the doubt, ignoring obvious signs that something was amiss. Call me a "simple person" but the "abdominal dilemma" I was having at that time (psssst, it's too embarrassing to mention hahaha, just ask Lizzy-babes) distracted me, thanks to a post-workout drink I had a few hours earlier (you wouldn't want to be near me, I tell you hahaha). Thankfully enough, I was able to return after about 45 minutes of my "brb" IM (more of a be-back-later than a be-right-back if you think about it).

The Teleport
The moment she IM'd "Are you ready?" scared the living daylights out of me. My tummy ache sort of moved up to my chest and it nearly gave me a heart attack (lol). I knew I was going to be buttered toast (/me bites his fingers)... and I am sure Lizzy knew I was going to kill her "arftah" hahaha!
It wasn't much of a surprise that I was teleported to Lo Lo, Caroline Apollo's sim has always been the perfect venue to celebrate parties, lag free and the ambiance very idyllic.

I was star struck the moment I teleported to Lo Lo surrounded by very familiar faces! I just couldn't believe my eyes seeing the 7Seas Creators Guild (just coined that one up, as tribute to the very talented Custom Catch creators to ever grace 7Seas Fishing) bigwigs there as well as most of the SexyHot Bitches roster. On top of that, what are the odds of having 5 Custom Catch (CC) servers at the same time while listening to Radio Radio's Vertigo Paris choice hits?
Shock and Awe
I have to shamefully admit, I was short of saying anything at all during the party... literally speechless. Not that I wasn't enjoying myself or nor was I not enthusiastic enough to be that chatty person people know of, it's just the effect of being genuinely surprised! Though the sad thing for being numbed by that jack-in-the-box was forgetting to cast my 7Seas Fishing rod. I wasted a hell-lot of opportunities to complete my custom catches from my favourite CC creators! grumbles... bah... humbug... @$%&*#!

Do surprise me like that again in RL and I promise you I would freak out just the same hahaha! Don't get me wrong I do love surprises, but if they ever go off my charts, I freeze... literally, and it takes a while to thaw the shock away off from me (as some of you may already know by now lolol). But just to let our good mates know that this dude was so delighted to see everyone there! "Ecstatic" would be an understatement.

It was just what I needed after a stressful pre-weekend day at work (well I believe we all have been having these sort of days since the start of 2009), more like coming out feeling fresh after spending a bit of time at my local gym's aroma therapy and steam room... man, what a feeling that was!

My BIG Thanks To You All
... to all the 7S Creator's Guild (no mention of names to refrain from putting any pressure on these wonderful friends to attend everyone's rezday... just to be fair, you know who you peeps are... /me smiles), the SBH peeps and everyone (with special mention to Ellynor Lisle for being in all 3 in spite of having to stay up waaaaaay past her bedtime lol) who came to "our" rezday parties (you got it right, that's in plural form folks) and of course most especially to my Lizzy-babes for all the effort she has poured into this event, and for giving me something amazing that will surely last me for time immemorial. Luvs =^o.o^= mew

I just can't help but wonder if I truly am worthy to deserve something as grand as this? Rest assured, my heart never forgets!
Je t'aime tellement Lizzy... pour toujours