February 22, 2009 is Australia's National Day of Mourning. Remembering the victims of the fire storms that ravaged towns and villages in the state of Victoria. This day also commemorates the brave men and women who have fought a seemingly endless battle to control the blaze.

Particularly those recognised are the firefighters who have risked their own lives to save the many. Modern day heroes who have selflessly performed their duties in safeguarding the lives and property of communities they have sworn to protect. In the true spirit of Australia, locals became good Samaritans - united and unselfishly offered help to anyone in need.

Pictures speak louder than words. A series of snapshots showing the devastating effects of the bush fires as well as the ongoing battle in trying to control the disaster. I'm sure even the hardest of hearts would be moved after viewing the slideshow. In this link, BBC reports about the tragedy on text, audio and video.

At least 210 have perished and sadly that number may be expected to rise further as forensics have yet to officially announce their findings. It has been the worse wildfire catastrophe for 26 years since the Ash-Wednesday fires in 1983 when 75 people have died and more than 3,000 homes destroyed in the southern states of Victoria and South Australia.

Our Help Is Still Needed
The fires may now seem to be under control but the good people of Victoria still needs our help. Scores have lost everything they own and some are even left with nothing more than the clothes they wear.
As Australian PM Kevin Ruud said in his speech to the National Day of Mourning ceremony: "We have lost mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, the tiniest of children, family, friends and neighbours. No words can provide solace for grief so personal. But simply know this: you who suffer are not alone."
Indeed let us show our brothers and sisters in Australia that they are never alone, and that we too are also here for them in their greatest time of need. Aussies have always been too quick to respond and offer help to any international crisis situation. I personally feel that now is the time for us to show them our appreciation and how much we care.

We have donation kiosks around Second Life and an official appeal from Linden Labs had recently been announced. If you are not comfortable donating in-world, you can always visit the official Australian Red Cross or the British Red Cross websites and avoid all the drama that has been discussed in the SL forums. Also please be aware of scammers who wish nothing more but to prey on our generous donations, so please donate wisely... and generously.
Big thanks to all who wishes to help. If you feel you cannot donate cash or anything in kind, offer a prayer regardless of what faith or religion you believe in. Let's pray that our Victorian friends quickly get back on track, and an end to all their grief and suffering.
Relatives concerned about family members in the affected areas can contact the Australian Red Cross 24-hour helpline on (0061) 393283716 or, from the UK, the British Red Cross international tracing and message service on 0845 053 2004.